
Samuli Nordberg

Dancer, choreographer, pedagogue

During his over 25 year career in performing arts, Samuli Nordberg has directed and/or choreo- graphed 30 performances and performed in over 40. Since 2011 his artistic and research interests have shifted towards site specific, multi-medial and immersive performances. His research topic ‘Shared ownership of performance – bodily per- spective’  examines  performance  makers,  per- formers  and  audiences  embodied  experiences of ownership in performance and how are de- cisions shaped through this embodied experi- ence. He has also been researching pedagogical structures and practices of reflection in artistic processes and on personal boundaries. Currently he works as university lecturer of theatre arts (specialized on movement and dance) at the In- formation, Technology and Communication fac- ulty, Tampere University, Finland.
Danse Mise en scène