
9th International meetings of theater schools / Les 9èmes Rencontres internationales des écoles d’art




A Stazzona, Pioggiola
The International Meetings of Theater Schools were born 8 years ago, from the meeting and the common desire of two directors and ac- tors, Serge and Piotr; the main idea was to propose a research work on the art and technique of the actor in the theater. A common desire to hear dif- ferent languages on stage and to confront different working methods. The idea was also to extend this meeting not to a weekend but over a real period of 10 days, in immersion, far from the city, in the middle of nature.
We wanted to offer a meeting workshop be- tween young students who almost never, during their educational career, have the opportunity to meet other young people, near or distant neigh- bors, their counterparts. Today, despite pandemics, wars, crises and globalization, we offer students the opportunity to come and discover another way of practicing theatre, in harmony with nature, in the middle of the Corsica Regional Natural Park.
The School Meetings have already attracted international students from all continents.
We hope to receive some of your stu- dents again this year. They will come back, we hope, with a strong lived experience that will be part of their journey and which the inhabi- tants of our villages will also have been able to enjoy and share.

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Au plus proche du territoire et de ses habitants, L’ARIA œuvre pour un développement durable du Giussani ; favorisant l’emploi local, la préservation du patrimoine environnemental et permettant des synergies entre acteurs privés, entreprises, associations et acteurs publics.

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